
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

GnomeMKAL 神祕地精團織


Hegnome & Iris

Hegnome,是從與豐收有關的女神Hegemone 聯想來的名字,拼法看似很像,但發音完全不一樣喔!我把結尾改成gnome,跟地精連結。

Iris 有彩虹之意,是給顏色很繽紛的小地精的名字

Hegnome....the name was inspired by the Greek goddess Hegemone....with almost the same alphabet. But I've change the end with "Gnome" to make the connection of this tiny creature.

And Iris, in Greek means "rainbow". 



編織討論群 https://www.ravelry.com/groups/imagined-landscapes


🍄針號:2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm 5本針




顏色變成這樣其實是偶然,因為想要將剩線消耗完畢,原本預計只要織粉色的帽子,卻想著重量忽略了線長,織完帽簷就驚覺線要不夠了.,但又不想拆... 於是另外再挑了自己覺得適合的線材,稍微思考了一下並安排顏色分佈,才成了現在的模樣。


Since recently I’m addicted to color stranded… so gonna knit Gnatalie in this way smiley
Finished Clue 2. I also took a photo of the inside since some of my friends are asking for it laughing


編織有趣的地方,就在相同的圖樣可以有不同的演繹方式... 單色、配色或是用漸層,都會讓同一個設計有不一樣的感覺。阿雪覺得這是十分好玩的地方,在最近也幾乎是放慢步調,慢慢感受手邊的材料....


Finished Clue 3 and hmmmmm….thought it looked like an eggplant eggplant

It's really hard for me to decided the color for the leaf beard...so I've made three of them...then thinking how should I suppose to do with these colors.




I’ve made double layers beard since it was quite hard to decide which kind of green I should take for her...so I took both lol



➸➸➸➸➸➸➸➸➸ I've also wrote short story for each of them ➸➸➸➸➸➸➸➸➸


Hegnome woke up in a cabbage farm. She couldn’t remember anything about last night. The air was really fresh and the bird was singing around. “A nice moring! “ she thought, and decided to take a stroll. 

She climbed on a tree… and thought the scene was quite familiar. Her eyes was catch by an abandoned house, but she just couldn’t remember…maybe there would have some clues? she would like to find out 

Until noon, she stopped in front of the house… and felt something was approaching….. 

to be continued…?! smiley


Iris loved to watch the grass sea in front of her house, especially in the morning. It seemed she had been lived here for centuries and kept watching those plants grew one after the other. But today, something at the end of the grass sea reflecting the sunshine caught her eyes and evoked her curiosity. Iris decided to find out!
She had never left her tree house before. So passing through those grass sea seemed quite a challenge to her. But everyone loved adventure, included Iris. After an hours effort, she reached a farm and took a rest on one cabbage.
“Why did this cabbage had some remaining heat?” she wondered but not for long she back to her adventure. 
Until noon she stepped in front of an abandoned house, and found it was the broken glass of a window reflecting the light. Also, she found there was another gnome looked like her… Iris was extremely excited!!!! She would like to know more about her. 

Iris walked closed to that gnome. Unexpectedly, her beard touched the other gnome’s and made a strong binding before she started to talk. 

In this magic moment, she remember this gnome “Hegnome” and found they were made as a pair to bring laugh and beauty to this world. And their abilities was creating beautiful plants. After this adventure, Iris brought Hegnome back to her house. 

Together, they created their first work- Coleus, with the inspiration of their beard and color of the rainbow. 


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