
Saturday, October 24, 2015

黑麥威士忌手套2 Rye Whiskey Mitts No.2

這雙手套織完已經快一個月,遲遲沒分享是因為他是給朋友的生日禮物,怕相片貼了,驚喜就沒了! 漂亮好搭的灰藍色,希望可以為Nicole的冬季裝扮多些點綴。
這雙的織圖是今年二月時織過的黑麥威士忌手套,可以看 Rye Whiskey Mitts 這篇回顧。

It has been a month since I finished this Mitts... but I just couldn't share it since this pair of Mitts were knitted as a Birthday gift to my dear friend Nicole in this month!  Hope it will keep her warm in the coming winter!

織圖來源:Rye Whiskey Mitts
工具:100公分 4mm 輪針

Pattren:Rye Whiskey Mitts
Tools:40" 4mm circular needle
Yarns: DK yarn 70g

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

十月日記 Diary-October



Calendar of October, a practice of my next knitted shawl and a wip of pencil drawing...its gonna be a pretty busy month!

Friday, October 2, 2015

圖瑞努圍巾 Triinu Scarf


這條圍巾是 Knitted Lace of Estonia 書中的一款,它的花樣簡單漂亮,又帶有著愛沙尼亞蕾絲的特色小球針(Nupp),因此將它做為探索愛沙尼亞蕾絲編織的第一個練習作品!

Now it's Autumn, a season which is hot in day but turns cold in night. It is a season for lace scarf/shawl, since they won't be too thick as the scarf we use in winter, also they give an elegance look above no matter what we wear.

This scarf pattern was from a book called Knitted Lace of Estonia. I really like this pattern that I've decided to make one for myself! Also it was my first practice of Estonian lace technique!

織圖來源:Triinu Scarf
工具:80公分 3.5 mm 輪針
線材:蕾絲羊駝  酒紅  500 m/ 50 g 

定型後大小: 約210公分 X 30公分

Triinu Scarf
Tool:circular needle 32" 3.5 mm 
Alpaca lace  500 m/50 g
I spent around 40 hrs for making this scarf ^^
Size after blocking: approx 210 cm X 30 cm